One of those few dreamy spots where every word you've written makes its way onto film. This is Alex.
Since the U.S Army’s inception in 1775, civilians have worked alongside them to protect and defend our country. Yet no one knows it. We launched the very first campaign for Army Civilians and challenged new recruits to look for meaningful work and find their next level.
Learn more about the work and its impact here:
To boost mini-sized product sales we created fourteen unique and tiny worlds for Sip and Scan, a digital platform accessed by scanning a Coca-Cola product.
Sometimes the internet is so slow it can be really grouchy. Comcast can help.
After 150 years dressing tiny ones from head to toe, Carter's took their very first steps into film. This is their first and only commercial.
Kid germs are scary. The medicine you treat them with should be the opposite of scary. We created Genexa’s first social media campaign as the world’s first clean medicine brand. It was good, clean medicine fun.
This film is part of a wider initiative called Raising Resilience that helps equip parents with knowledge and tools so their children can thrive through life’s ups and downs.
For National Dog Day, Opendoor wanted to raise brand awareness in their local communities on a tiny budget. So we created a For Sale sign that captured the attention of dogs and their humans alike.
Melissa and Doug toys are 100% screen free and 200% adorable. We combined these scientific facts into a social campaign that won every award in cuteness.
The Tea Collection is a dreamy children’s clothing brand based in San Francisco, but with roots all over the world. Each season is inspired by a country outside the United States. I toiled, tinkered, and maniacally researched for months to name each item of clothing in honor of the vibrant culture it was inspired by.
The Meaning of Maggie is a novel written during a lot of early mornings and very late nights. Chronicle Books published it in a May that was particularly sneezy. It's been making its way in the world ever since. One guy on Amazon hates it.
To tell the story of the craft that goes into every flavor, we hired an artist to create the journey in sugar from simple ingredients to the perfect pint.
Copy reads:
To the seekers of strawberries sweetened by summer, the plump, the pure, the taste like none other.
from we who searched years in the pacific northwest,
'til we found a berry above all the rest.
Copy reads:
To the seekers of life's great arrangements perfected
a symphony of flavors, so artfully connected.
like nuts and cream and chocolate on cone
a magical merger, exquisitely honed.
Turns out Minute Maid is the perfect mom sidekick. We made a series of social films and posts where Minute comes to the rescue for breakfast, dinner, after school crafts and all the kid stuff in between.
2020 was hard.
So we made voting easy.